Gaining Happiness Advantage
When Individuals Grow, Businesses Thrive
Researchers are now proving worldwide what humans intuitively knew for ages – "When we are happy, we are at our best. We are more creative, collaborative, and productive.
We are in our peak-performance zone."
Curate Your Own Happiness Program
10 Sessions Below to Choose From
Session 1: Demystifying Happiness Day
Why Happiness Matters, especially in trying times
What is mis-wanting (what we think makes us happy but does not)
What Actually Makes Us Happy: Key factors of sustained happiness
Creating your personal Wheel of Happiness; Your Happiness Blueprint
Taking Control of Your Life - Gaining Happiness Advantage By Design
Session 2: Healthy Body & Mind Day
Learning Ancient Wisdom of mental & physical health management
Handling Anxiety, Fear, Regrets, and social comparison
The art of mental hygiene and mental first-aid
The science of mental conditioning and winning the invisible game
Laying the Foundation to Operate in the Peak Performance Zone
Session 3: Amicable Relationship Day
Understanding Anatomy of Relationship Problems
The Role of Evolution and Legacy Features on Human Behaviour
The Art and Science of Overcoming Relationship challenges
Relationship Management Skills - The Connect Toolbox
Creating Environment for Joy at Home & Success at Work
Session 4: FYI (Finding Your IKIGAI) Day
Finding your IKIGAI - Your reason to wake up
Identifying your signature strengths
Defining your vision, mission, purpose and core values for life
The connection between virtuous living and peak performance
Creating a Blueprint to Live a Purposeful Life
Session 5: Growth Mindset Day
How we perceive the world – Our Inner Operating System
Fun activities to learn how mind tricks us and discourages change
Fine-tuning Inner Operating System to the peak performance zone
The art and science of Thinking Outside The Box to Excel
Learning The Art of Growing Not Just Ageing
Session 6: TEA Time Management Day
Time - Energy - Attention Management for Achieving Excellence ​
First Thing First Time Management Paradigm ​
Attention Management and its implication on life
The art and science of replacing old habits with the new ones
Learning The Art of Creating Time
Session 7: Stress Management Day
Understanding Nature of Stress and its Evolutionary Significance
Demystifying The REAL causes of Stress in the modern world
Making friend with the stress: Learning coping mechanisms
Handling Stress with Laughter, Meditation and Cognition
Learning The Art of Growing Not Just Ageing
Session 8: Happiness Practices Day
Exploring 3 Gs of Happiness
Learning 5 Happiness Practices that can change life
Experiencing power of Happiness Practices in real-time
Measuring the effect of these practices on your happiness
Experience Live - How Small Changes can make a BIG Difference
Session 9: Turning Learning to Wisdom Day
Learning how brain learns and why old habits die hard
Understanding Habit Formation and Execution Process
Learning tools to replace unlearn undesired and learn desired
Making Happiness Habits Stick
Experience Live - How Small Changes can make a BIG Difference
Session X: Demystifying Mindfulness Day
Understanding Mind Wandering and Mindfulness
The Secret of Mindfulness Meditation Revealed
Applying Mindfulness to achieve peak performance
Mindfulness session to experience the learning
Gain The Mindfulness Advantage to Amplify Effect of Your Efforts