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Up the Stairs

Inspiring Transformation
A Journey from Good To Great

Engineering Happiness 5i Transform Framework

A Mentoring Program with a Definite ROI

Inside Out Transformation Framework to Boost Business Bottomline

Driving Change is difficult. The transformation programs mostly fail because the teams resist Change Initiatives rather than welcoming them. Now experience an innovative Inside-Out Transformation (IOT) Paradigm of Inspiring Change to achieve the intended outcome.


#1 Engineering Excellence MasterClass


"He who has WHY to live for can bear almost any HOW" - Nietzsche ​

But, can a shared vision and Culture of Excellence be engineered?

This program helps in defining transformation journey roadmap to nurture culture of excellence. 

Program Outcome – A Journey Map from Vision to Value

Phase 1 

‘The Spirit of Excellence’ Leadership Workshop

Image by Fuu J

Defining or refining blueprint for intended org transformation

Phase 2

Making Mission Possible – Team Alignment Workshop

Image by Tim Marshall

Aligning the teams to the shared mission and  accountability

Phase 3

Nurturing Culture of Excellence – Connecting the Dots

Image by Pratham Gupta

Aligning individuals to the team's mission and ensuring success 


#2 Engineering Harmony MasterClass


Experience in 60 min what takes people an eternity: A Stress-Free Meditative State of Mindfulness, Connectedness & Peak-Performance.

Can transformation be triggered in just 60min? 

A highly interactive program that connects individuals, and transcends cross-functional teams to their collaborative peak performance zone. You will see silos breaking, instant team bonding, and a lot of joy-sharing in just 60 minutes.

Program Outcome – Turning 'Me' into Purposefully Connected 'We' 

A perfect program to keep audience engaged and awake in the post-lunch session.

#3 Engineering Happiness MasterClass


When We Are Happy, We Are At Our Best.

Happy people are the building blocks of successful organisations and a happier world.

But, can happiness be engineered?

This introspective workshop creates clarity of purpose to inspire inner-transformation. 

Program Outcome: Cultivating Happiness Mindset enabling innovative thinking and peak-performance


#4 Engineering Innovation MasterClass


’Think Outside the Box’ – A simple phrase that is difficult to implement. But what creates this box and how do we get out of it? 

Are we born creative or can we learn to innovate? 

An interactive experience to equip participants with the systematic innovation tools to solve comlex prolems

Program Outcome – Innovative Solutions with Team Ownership

After attending this workshop, anyone can innovate and find creative solutions to business challenges!


#5 Engineering Transformation Mentoring Services


Ideas don't work, until you do the work. ​

Plans do not transform people or organisations; successful implementations do.

Can you derive the desired ROI? 

In this phase, the alignment achieved during 'Introspection'; harmony created during 'Interconnection'; the empowerment achieved during “Inspiration”; and the creative solutions identified in the 'Innovation' phases – all come together to accomplish the intended outcome. 

Program Outcome – Executing Plans to Achieve the Desire Results

This is an iterative phase where we provide mentoring interventions and consulting services to ensure transformation. strategy plans are executed successfully.

2023 © Dr. Arun Bhardwaj All Rights Reserved

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